Coaching Insights

Birthday Journaling

2024, April 16

Journaling Session | ~60 min

On my birthday I love doing this journaling session to envision the delicious beauty of the new year I‘m entering today. You can do these prompts even when it‘s not your birthday. Or in other words, it might be your birthday every day.

Warm Up | 5 min

  • Jot down moments from the past few days you wish to capture in a mental snapshot.

TakeAways | 5 min

  • What do you want to bring from your ending year into the new one?

  • Insights, relationships, people, habits, developments, ….etc.

Goodbye ! |5 min

  • List 3 things, areas, habits you’re leaving behind in your past life and not taking into your new year. Thanks and goodbye!

Your Deliciously Beautiful Year | 15 min

  • Imagine in ten years from now, a friend asks you about the best year of your life. Alongside your other favourite years, you‘ll mention the age you are entering today. “XX was a higlight year, I love diving back into its memories.”

  • What made this year stand out deliciously beautifully?

Hidden Desires | 10 min

  • Suppose there’s a part inside you whose longings you’ve been ignoring without knowing any better. A part that wants to be heard.

  • What does this part seek from life? What does this part wish for you in life?

  • Envision your new year fulfilling these hidden desires in the most pleasant way. What do you see? What difference might that make?

What‘s Good Right Now | 5 min

  • Back to the present: What elements make your life good (enough) as it is right now?

Dream Slices Into Reality | 5 min

  • Imagine incorporating a slice of the dream life from Your Deliciously Beautiful Year or Hidden Desires in the upcoming weeks.

  • What small aspect of this dream do you want to weave into your everyday life?

  • This could be a habit, a moment of joy, a perspective shift, ...etc.

Permission | 3 min

  • What permission do you want to give yourself for your birthday today?

Katti Jisuk