Writing Coaching


One-on-one, groups & workshops
My Writing Tapas method makes writing more inviting by breaking it down into bite-size chunks. That way you can get it done in between nappy changing, tax returns and dinner parties.
Trial session 30 min | free


One-on-one & teams
Let's break down those clichés. I'll analyze the characters in your pitch paper, treatment, or script to help you create complex female protagonists that revolutionize gender constructs.
Get in touch to talk about your project.


In this unique approach, you sit back and let me do the legwork. I dive into your idea, interview you and write down what comes out of your mouth. Your first draft takes shape before your eyes.
Trial session 30 min | free

As a story consultant, I help writers and filmmakers
get their writing juices flowing and create cinema on the page.

Classics: Dialogue Flow · Cinematic Writing · Dilemma Storytelling
Specials: Diversity Storytelling · Breaking Bad Analysis · Tetralemma Storytelling
Tools: The Micro-Moment Plunge · Unrelated Relations · Backstory Shaping

Get in touch to book coaching sessions, workshops or fireside chats.