Writing Prompts

Scaling Prompts for ChatGPT

2024, june 5

Hey ChatGPT, on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is super complicated and clunky, and 10 is totally smooth, simple, and flowing, where would you rate your own phrasing right now?

When I turn to ChatGPT for phrasing suggestions, its standard responses often feel boring and useless. So I’ve started challenging the AI to scale its own text suggestions. It’s interesting to see how engaging in this self-feedback mode shakes things up.

I love to play around with a wide range of different scales, testing various points to see what happens. Sometimes, just to see what occurs, I ask for a response at scale point 0 and then contrast it with one at scale point 10. Sometimes, I crank it up by requesting a response at scale point 15 on a 0-10 scale.

More examples of scales for experimenting with ChatGPT:

  1. Translation Scale: From 0, a literal and direct translation, to 10, where it becomes much freer and echoes how a native speaker would naturally express it.

  2. Boldness Scale: From 0, very polite and cautious, to 10, rebellious, cheeky, and audacious.

  3. Passivity to Activity Scale: From 0, completely passive and unengaged, to 10, highly active and proactive.

  4. Calm to Explosive Scale: From 0, very calm and subdued, to 10, super explosive and on the verge of freaking out.

  5. Conventionality Scale: From 0, being highly predictable and conventional, likely to be accepted by a mainstream audience, to 10, being so unique and unconventional that it’s unlikely to be embraced by a mainstream audience. In applying this scale, I ask ChatGPT to draw from all previous inputs I’ve given and select those ideas that would be least accepted by the mainstream, pushing the boundaries of conventionality even further.

Give it a try and have fun experimenting!

Katti Jisuk