Coaching Insights

Morning Intention-Setting

2024, May 26

When I’m facing a busy work marathon, I start my day with an intention-setting walk. During this walk, I ask myself a series of questions to help ease the pressure and make my day lighter while still making progress on what’s important.

I usually do this intention-setting via voice messaging with my best friend. But of course, there are many ways to do it: by journaling, talking to a colleague, talking to ChatGPT, or simply doing it in your head.

Questions for Intention-Setting

  • What motto or mantra can guide me today?

    This could be something like:

    — ‘I’m done when it’s good enough’ (not perfect)

    — ‘Focus on one step at a time’ (rather than the whole mountain to climb)

    — ‘Any doubts are staying outside today, and I can check in with them tomorrow morning’

  • What’s one thing that will help me stay focused today?

    This could be something like:

    — Check my phone only in the breaks

  • What’s one thing that can make my work more enjoyable and effortless today?

    This could be something like:

    — Work in bed, snuggled up in a blanket

    — For the mini-essay, write down just your main thought (rather than ten thoughts)

  • What can I declutter from my day today?

    This could be something like:

    — No need to squeeze in the gym today. Put the gym on my not-to-do list.

    — The dishes can wait today. Put the dishes on my not-to-do list.

  • What permission do I want to give myself today to make the day even easier?

    This could be something like:

    — Order food instead of cooking

    — Allow myself to be hurting and complaining (rather than trying to be delighted only because I chose this work and it’s my passion)

Katti Jisuk